A fabulous piece of vintage home decor! This is a watercolour on paper, attached to a thin board, painted by an English artist, E.Cooke. A darling nod to the past, she highlights the Victorian water pump - once seen everywhere across England, this was where you would go to collect your water for the day. It's set amongst a farm land complete with fence and trees.
The colours are gorgeous - this was the Old Farm in Herefordshire, UK.
The picture is mid 1900s and in excellent condition.
The size of this piece is unique and would stand out solo or within a grouping, measuring is 36 cm x 51 cm and was sourced in Lincolnshire, UK.
A fabulous piece of vintage home decor! This is a watercolour on paper, attached to a thin board, painted by an English artist, E.Cooke. A darling nod to the past, she highlights the Victorian water pump - once seen everywhere across England, this was where you would go to collect your water for the day. It's set amongst a farm land complete with fence and trees.
The colours are gorgeous - this was the Old Farm in Herefordshire, UK.
The picture is mid 1900s and in excellent condition.
The size of this piece is unique and would stand out solo or within a grouping, measuring is 36 cm x 51 cm and was sourced in Lincolnshire, UK.